
Credit Cards for College Students

If you are a student, then you will benefit greatly by getting a student credit card. You can use the student credit cards in any store that accepts regular credit cards, but you will usually fin that the interest rates and the fees for students are a lot less than regular credit cards.

Within your college, you will have a lot to pay for. If you have moved to student accommodation, then you will need to pay for items and services related to your living arrangements. This may be the first time that you have lived away from your family, so you will probably be learning about how to manage your personal finances. Having a student credit card will allow you to have access to money that you have not yet had a chance to save up, so that you will be able to live near to your college and study, whilst not needing vast amounts of money saved in the bank.

On campus, you will need to use your credit card to pay for certain things. You might need to pay for fees, buy printing top up credit, and pay for your meals. There will be many cash points around the college campus, which will allow you to use your student credit card to withdraw amounts of cash for general spending money.

Low interest rates, reward schemes and low fees are just some benefits of having a student credit card. When you apply, you will probably need to provide proof that you are a student. You should ensure that you take your student card, or letter of acceptance to the college along with you when you go to the bank to sign up for your student card. Ask the bank representative to explain to you the terms of the student credit card. Find out just how much interest you will be required to pay, and the fees that come with the deal. You should be careful that you are actually getting a student deal, rather than simply a card that is called a student card without offering any of the benefits that students would usually get.

Many student credit cards also offer reward schemes. You may be able to collect points with your student credit card and then exchange them for vouchers and even sometimes for tickets to see concerts, or cinema and movie tickets. If you look at many different student credit card providers, you will be able to find the best deal for you.

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